mortgage loan types

Right now, interest rates are near historical lows.  因此,你可能会考虑购买房屋或为你现有的房屋再融资.  但是有这么多不同的按揭贷款类型,你选择哪一种呢?  And, just like homes, mortgages come in many sizes and types. 


Mortgage Loan Types

Conventional fixed-rate mortgages

As the name implies, 固定利率抵押贷款的利率在整个贷款期限内保持不变. 你的月供(包括本金和利息)通常也保持不变. 整个抵押贷款在贷款期限内按月等额分期偿还. For this reason, 固定利率抵押贷款通常吸引那些对每月付款波动风险承受能力较低的个人. The usual terms for fixed-rate mortgages are 15 and 30 years.

Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)

With an ARM, also called a variable rate mortgage, your interest rate is adjusted periodically, 上升或下降,以跟上市场利率波动的变化. Since the term of your mortgage remains constant, 在期限结束时还清贷款所需的金额随着贷款利率的变化而变化. 因此,您的每月付款金额是重新计算与每个利率调整.

Depending on what’s specified in the mortgage contract, an ARM can be adjusted semi-annually, quarterly, or even monthly, but most are adjusted annually. 调整数额按照抵押合同约定的计算公式计算. To adjust the rate, 贷款人使用反映一般利率趋势的指数, such as the one-year Treasury securities index, 再加上一个反映出借人贷款给你的利润(或加价)的利润率. Thus, if the index is 5.75 percent and the markup is 2.25 percent, the ARM interest rate would be 8 percent.

怎样才能使利率不飞涨呢, for that matter, from plunging through the floor? Most ARMs specify interest rate caps. 定期调整上限可以限制汇率变动的幅度, up or down, allowed at any single adjustment period. 终身上限可能表明利率可能不会高于或低于初始利率的指定百分比.

arm的初始利率(称为优惠利率)通常低于固定利率抵押贷款的利率. 对于那些能够忍受抵押贷款利率的不确定性和每月抵押贷款支付金额的波动,或者只打算在自己的房子里住很短时间的个人来说,ARM可能是一个很好的选择.

Hybrid ARMs

混合型arm是在一定时期内提供固定利率的抵押贷款, 5, 7, or 10 years), and then convert to a 1-year ARM.

混合ARM的初始固定利率通常比15年或30年固定利率抵押贷款的利率低得多. 然而,初始固定利率期限越长,该期限的利率就越高. Generally speaking, 即使这些固定利率中最低的利率也高于传统1年期ARM的初始利率.

混合ARM是理想的个人谁计划留在自己的家一段时间(3至10年),因为他们可以利用较低的初始固定利率,而不必担心贷款将如何变化,当它转换为ARM. 如果你认为你的计划可能会改变,或者你打算在原地待一段时间, look for a hybrid ARM with a conversion option. 此选项将允许您在贷款变为ARM之前将其转换为固定利率贷款.

Government mortgage programs

Generally, 政府抵押贷款项目提供由联邦政府机构担保的抵押贷款. Some of the advantages of these types of mortgages include:

  • 低于传统贷款的固定利率
  • Little or no down payment required
  • Less stringent qualifying guidelines than conventional loans

FHA loans

联邦住房管理局(FHA)抵押贷款类似于传统的固定利率抵押贷款, except that they are insured by the federal government. An FHA mortgage may allow a down payment of as little as 3.5 percent.  Keep in mind, however, 联邦住房管理局贷款要求首付款低于20%的借款人支付按揭保险费.

Tip: 联邦住房管理局的按揭金额是有限的,最高贷款金额因地理区域而异.

VA loans

退伍军人事务部(VA)的抵押贷款类似于传统的固定利率抵押贷款. 退伍军人管理局的抵押贷款适用于合格的退伍军人及其幸存的配偶.

VA loan limits vary, depending on location. Generally, 贷款人将提供相当于退伍军人可用权利四倍的退伍军人事务部贷款(前提是满足某些承保要求)。. Currently, the basic entitlement for veterans is $36,000. You can visit http://benefits.va.gov/homeloans for more information.

Jumbo loans

2019年,大额贷款(也称为非合规贷款)是指超过484美元的抵押贷款,350, or over $726,525 in high-cost areas, for a single-family home or condominium. 这个数字是由联邦国民抵押贷款协会(房利美)和联邦住房贷款抵押公司(房地美)设定的,每年进行调整. 巨额贷款被称为不合格贷款,因为这些组织不会承保它们, making them riskier to lenders. As a result, 出借人通常将巨额贷款利率设定在高于传统抵押贷款利率的水平.

如果你刚刚超过了合格贷款的承保限额,不得不考虑一笔巨额贷款, 你可能想找一套便宜一点的房子,或者考虑增加你的首付款,以便有资格获得利率较低的贷款. 在你的抵押贷款期限内,较低的利率可以节省大量资金.

In closing, 有几种抵押贷款类型的选择,从类型的抵押贷款是正确的,你将取决于许多因素, such as how much you can afford, your tolerance for risk, and how long you expect to stay in your home.  The more information you have, the better.

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